Tuesday, July 15, 2008

45 minutes of pure bliss

Well, not exactly, but it's damn close. For your delectation I present to you the album/song Dies Irae.

Devil Doll was an experimental rock band composed of members from Italy and Slovenia during the late 80's. One need only read the Wikipedia entry to understand how weird their history is, and I will not go on at length here. Suffice to say that the history of this band is as over-the-top as the music they produced.

Dies Irae is a hard album to describe. Most of it is Mr. Doctor playing the piano and singing, interspersed with orchestral interludes, violin, and operatic vocals. It uses the Day of Judgment as a metaphor for his descent into madness and regret, or something like that. This is one of my favorite albums ever, and I realized that when I found myself listening to it in its entirety multiple times in one night. I don't even remember how I found these guys, but here you go. If you like it I've got pretty much everything they've released.


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